don’t tire from seeking forgiveness
It was said to: Al-Hasan al-Basri: ‘Why doesn’t one feel ashamed of himself infront of his Lord,
he seeks forgiveness for his sins then returns to them, and then seeks forgiveness and then returns to them?!
So al-Hasan said: ‘Shaitan wishes he could defeat you with this so don’t tire from seeking forgiveness’.
قيل للحسن البصري:
ألا يستحي أحدُنا مِن ربه ؟
يستغفر مِن ذنوبه، ثم يعود، ثم يستغفر ثم يعود؟!
فقال: ودّ الشيطان لو ظفر منكم بهذه
فلا تَملّوا مِن الاستغفار.