Arabic vibes
Arabic vibes
Arabic has increasingly become a second language choice for parents to teach to their Non-Arabic Speaking Children (NASC).Learning any language at a young age is important and more useful than learning it later. As the brain comprehends and absorbs information easier and faster. Learning Arabic gives you insights about “Islam”, the second largest religion in the world . Learning Arabic helps you understand its culture as well. It is challenging but rewarding .
Challenges learning Arabic for NASC
Qortoba institution , one of the pioneering reputable establishment for learning Arabic , is aware of challenges , addressed precisely and efficiently.
1*Grammar and Syntax:
One of the most significant challenges for non-native children learning Arabic is its complex grammar and syntax. Arabic’s root-based structure, where words are formed from consonantal roots, can be perplexing for young learners. For instance, the verb “kataba” (كتب) can transform into various words such as “kitab” (كتاب, book), “maktab” (مكتب, office), and “maktaba” (مكتبة, library). These transformations require a deep understanding of root patterns, which can be daunting for children.
The verbs in Arabic are divided according to the time of occurrence of the verb into three types: the past tense, the present tense, and the imperative verb. For example: I wrote , I write and Write! . Whereas in English, there are 12 tenses.
2*Writing Challenges
It may be confusing at the beginning writing from right to left , but with practice they can master it perfectly. The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 letters, and the shapes of these letters change according to their position in the word. Its beginning, middle or end. The reading of numbers also differs. In English, we begin by reading the tens first and then the units second, as in the number 47 (forty seven). While in Arabic, we start reading from the units to the tens (seven, then forty).
The most common mistakes in writing are:
Recognizing the different shapes of letters.
Confusing similar letters, such as Ghen (ـغـ) and Fa (ـفـ).
Deleting some letters, such as missing the letter Alef (أ) and writing Omar (عُمر) instead of Amer (عامر).
Adding some letters to Madd, such as: in the name “faried” writing it as (فاريد ) instead of (فريد ).
Neglecting to put dots on letters.
3*Pronunciation and Phonetics:
Arabic contains several sounds that do not exist in English or other Western languages. Sounds like “ع” (ayn) and “غ” (ghayn) can be particularly challenging for children to pronounce accurately. For example, the word “عربي” (Arabi, meaning Arab) includes the difficult “ع” sound, which can be tricky for non-native speakers to master.
The difficulty of pronouncing some sounds in Arabic varies depending on the learner’s first language. For example, the letter (Kha – خ) does not exist in English, but it exists in Spanish and German .
Using Shadda inappropriately and Substituting one sound for another sound, as qaf and kaf need practice .
4* Limited Exposure
Children in western world such as America, Britain, and Canada may have limited opportunities to immerse themselves in Arabic-speaking environments. This lack of immersion can slow down the learning process and hinder the development of listening and speaking skills.
5* Lack of Educational Resources
In many Western countries, Arabic language resources can be scarce. Schools may not have qualified Arabic teachers, and educational materials might be limited. For example, a child in a public school in Toronto might have access to Spanish or French classes but find it challenging to locate quality Arabic language programs.
Overcoming Challenges
1*Interactive Learning Methods:
Joining interactive learning course headway the language. To engage children and make learning Arabic enjoyable, using interactive and engaging methods is crucial. Incorporating games, songs, flash cards (given perplexing root and derivation words )and storytelling into lessons can help children internalize grammar and vocabulary in a fun and memorable way. As adopted in Qortoba institution for Arabic learning . For instance, using an Arabic version of the popular game “Simon Says” can reinforce vocabulary while keeping children entertained. Giving modern examples for successful Arabs worldwide such as Sir Magdi yaqub the genius cardiac surgeon or Dr. Ahmed Zweil Nobel laureate as well as past icons such as Ibn Sinaa in medicin or Ibn khaldoun in philosophy .That helps generate interest , pride and desire for learning and unlocking Arabic language .
2*Phonetic Training and Practice:
Providing children with ample phonetic training and practice can help them overcome pronunciation challenges. Repetition drills and tongue twisters can improve their ability to produce difficult sounds. Encouraging children watch and read audio visual story to listen to native speakers through videos, songs,well qualified teachers as carefully chosen in Qortoba institution and language apps can also enhance their phonetic skills. For example, a child might practice the “ع” sound by watching educational videos on YouTube featuring native Arabic speakers.
3*Focus on Modern Standard Arabic (MSA):
While exposure to regional dialects is beneficial, focusing on Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) provides a solid foundation for language learning. MSA is used in formal settings such as literature, news, and academia, making it a practical choice for young learners. By prioritizing MSA, children can develop a consistent understanding of the language. Schools can incorporate MSA into their curricula, ensuring students have a structured learning path. Thus , Qortoba institution for Arabic learning not only sucessfuly presents but also is considered second to none .
4*Cultural Immersion and Exposure:
To enhance language learning, children should be immersed in Arabic culture. Organizing cultural events, such as Arabic film screenings, cooking classes, and cultural festivals, can provide authentic contexts for practice. For example, a community center in London or Qortoba institution for Arabic learning might host an Arabic cultural festival or journeys with activities like traditional music and dance, giving children the opportunity to engage with the language in a real-world setting.
5*Access to Quality Resources:
Ensuring that children have access to quality learning resources is essential. Schools and language programs should provide well-structured curricula, textbooks, and educational materials tailored to the needs of young learners. Additionally, leveraging technology, such as educational apps and online courses, can offer interactive and flexible learning options. For instance, Qortoba institution for Arabic learning provides successful apps , text books, e-books, audio- visual material and stories .
Finally, Learning Arabic for non-native children is a challenging yet rewarding journey. By understanding the difficulties and implementing effective strategies, educators and parents can help children overcome obstacles and achieve proficiency. Qortoba institution offers unique amazing experience for learning Arabic. With interactive learning methods, phonetic training, a focus on Modern Standard Arabic, cultural immersion, and access to quality resources, young learners can master Arabic and unlock a world of opportunities.
Tag:Arabic alphabet, Arabic Grammar, Arabic language, Arabic languages . Arabic languages . arabic alphabet . arabic alphabet in english . arabic curriculum for kids ., Arabic languages . Arabic languages . arabic alphabet . arabic alphabet in english . arabic curriculum for kids . muslim learn arabic