Arabic conversation course

Conversation is the most important part of the Arabic language because it’s the result of what the student studied; words, grammar, etc.
The Arabic conversation online course is divided into four stages, each stage discusses 15 topics for 20 studying hours:-
- Stage 1:Beginnings, it is suitable for students of levels 3 and 4.
- Stage 2:intermediate A, it is suitable for students of levels 4 and 5.
- Stage 3:intermediate B, it is suitable for students of levels 6 and 7 .
- Stage 4:Advance; it is suitable for student of levels 8 and above.
The four stages of the Arabic conversation online course is the gate for students to learn to Speak Arabic easily
The student learn Arabic speaking throughout the Arabic free expression, images and audio stories used in all stages.
The main aim of learning this Arabic conversation online course: is that the non- Arabic speaker students would be able to speak Arabic well discuss any Arabic topics and he can express himself in Arabic especially in Arabic world.
The student is encouraged to practice Arabic speaking pronouncing the Arabic alphabet in the right way so it becomes easy for to express himself in Arabic.
The method of teaching the Arabic conversation online course:-
- Conversation through questions and answers.
- Conversation through describing pictures and creating stories related to these pictures.
- Conversation through giving a speech around a certain subject set up by the teacher.
The materials used in teaching Arabic conversation online course:-
- Picture
- Board
- Videos
- Comics
What would you achieve from our conversation program:
Level One
- Introduce yourself and your family.
- Talk about how you spent your day.
- Describe the atmosphere around you.
- Explain what you feel by learning the five senses (what you hear, smell, taste or see).
- Talk about the country you live in, things you like and don’t like about it.
- Describe the four seasons.
- Read, listen to and discuss the news.
- Describe your apartment and the furniture it contains.
- Talk about your desires, ambitions and how would you like to plan your future.
- Be able to go to the food market and buy things.
- Describe the class system.
- Tell a short story.
What would you achieve from Level Two:
- Improve your communication skills.
- Recognize the importance of the Arabic language for Muslims.
- Talk about where would you like to live and describe your neighborhood.
- Talk about the statutes of Islam, like praying or fasting in Ramadan.
- Talk about friendships in your life.
- Talk about jobs and their importance.
- Have a dialogue with a friend.
- Talk about your trips or how you spend your summer vacation.
- Talk about daawa.
- Describe some aspects of Islamic law.
What would you achieve from Level Three:
- Ttalk about hobbies.
- Talk about habits and traditions.
- Talk about your favorite sport
- Talk about raising kids and problems you face with them
- Talk about the youth and the challenges they face in Western societies.
- Talk about crimes in your country and the social dangers from these crimes.
- Smoking and how the governments deal with its dangers on youth
- Speak about the difference stances of freedom between Western countries and Islamic limits of freedom
- Internet pros and cons
- Measures of choosing the wife/ husband
What would you achieve from Level Four
- Analyze hadith to a short story.
- Express your opinion about various current issues.
- Write about environmental issues such as pollution.
- Learn stories of some of the prophets and you will be able to write about them.
- Write about the conflicts over Muslim countries like Palestine.
- Learn about the importance of interdependence and unity among Muslims.
- Talk about the sin of disobedience to parents.
- Express your opinion about advantages and disadvantages of technology and the internet.
- The importance of the educational institution in the progress of society.
- You will be able to talk about Nobel prize and some of those who obtained it.