Why learning Arabic may be hard?
If you are struggling to study Arabic, there’s no need for you to be worried, as many people share the same obstacle with you. Why is it so difficult? Simply learning a new language challenges your brain, and it requires a lot of time and practice. But, that is not everything.
Here are the 3 main factors that explain the difficulty behind learning the Arabic language:
The brain itself makes it tough
Did you ever wonder about the reason why a number of people remember some standard Arabic words easily, while others struggle to even memorize a single word in the language? Research shows that the reason behind this variety is that each brain is different than the other, which decides how capable a person may be in studying Arabic in advance. And in a research made by the Canadian college “Mackingale”, the brains of people who participated were scanned before and after having an intensified French course for 12 weeks. Researchers found that the people who learned more effectively have formed more mental connections between the parts of the brain responsible for speaking and reading.
And even when this study shows that some people are more capable of learning and speaking Arabic, it does not mean it is for some people and not for the others, since it has numerous amount of benefits.
The way of learning the language is not efficient
There are many ways to learn Arabic , such as studying in an Arabic country, attending courses after work or having an Arabic conversation with someone who already speaks the language, learning Quran and Quran recitation. But, seeking complicated and advanced ways to learn a language prevents us from learning the way babies learn, simply by listening to people speak together all day long.
One of the barriers that adult face while learning a language, is that they learn a ginormous amount of new vocabulary words without learning how to actually use them in proper sentences. Even a study made by “the masachostess technological academy” showed that adults’ analyzing tends to prevent them from studying a new language, as the anxiety and the urge for learning each and every detail in a short period of time is not helpful.
To fix this problem, Firstly, you need to treat the language as a number of skills you have to learn, and not some rules you memorize one after the other hoping to speak fluently one day. Learn without prioritizing perfection and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
The similarity between languages
It’s hard to learn a language that is completely different than your native language. And what causes this is not the rejection or the fear of the mind towards learning something challenging, but it’s because of the neural directives. Some German scientists found that the brain spots the similarities between languages, and uses the native language you speak to aid it in finding similarities or a way to understand foreign speakers. And the means that the closer the language you’re learning to the one you already know the easier it will be for you to learn it.