The Lord does not prevent his believing slave from anything in this world
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “The Lord, glory be to Him, does not prevent his believing slave from anything in this world except that He gives him that which is better and more beneficial for him. This is for none except the believer … The slave, due to his ignorance concerning what benefits him and his ignorance regarding the generosity, wisdom and subtlety of His Lord, does not understand the difference between what he was prevented from and that which is reserved for him. Rather, he is hell bent on his love for the immediate even if it is lowly, and is little interested in the delayed even if it is lofty.
(Al- Fawaid: 57)
قال ابن القيم رحمه الله: الرَّبُّ سُبحانه لا يَمنَع عبدَه المُؤمِن شيئًا مِن الدنيا إلا ويُؤتيه أَفضلَ مِنه وأَنفَع له وليس ذلك لغيرِ المُؤمِن.. والعَبدُ لجَهْلِه بمَصالِح نَفسِه وجَهْلِه بكَرمِ رَبِّه وحِكمَتِه ولُطفِه لا يعرف التَّفاوُت بين ما مُنِعَ مِنه وبين ما ذُخِرَ له، بل هو مُولَع بحُبِّ العاجِل وإن كان دَنيئًا، وبِقِلَّةِ الرَّغبَة في الآجِل وإن كان عَلِيًّا.
الفوائد لابن القيم: (ص: 57)