I knew that my Lord will question me concerning them
Fatima the wife of Umar bin Abdulaziz said once when i entered upon him whilst tears ran down his cheeks.
I said to him: what is the matter?
He replied: Woe to you I have been given authority of this nation so I thought about the poor one, the orphan and the oppressed one.
Hence I knew that my Lord will question me concerning them on the day of judgement and my opponent on their behalf will be the messenger of Allah.
so I feared I wouldn’t be able to establish a proof in opposition to him hence I she’d tears.
albidayah wal nihayah of ibn kathir
قالت فاطمة زوجة عمر بن عبدالعزيز دخلتُ عليه والدموع تسيل على خديه
فقلت: مالك ؟
فقال: ويحك قد وليت أمر هذه الأمة فتفكرت الفقير واليتيم والمظلوم
فعلمت أن ربي سيسألني عنهم يوم القيامة وأن خصمي دونهم محمد ﷺ فخشيت أن لا يثبت لي حجة عند خصومته فبكيت.
البداية والنهاية _ ابن كثير