The delight of abstaining and striving
The delight of abstaining and striving
Ibn al-Qayyim said: only the one who abstains from what he is accustomed to for other than Allah finds hardship in that …
As for the one who abstains truly and sincerely, from his heart, for the sake of Allah then he doesn’t find difficulty in abstaining except in the first instant, so that he can be tested whether he is truthful in his abstaining or lying …
If he is patient upon that brief difficulty it transforms in to delight!
قال ابن القيم:
إنما يجد المشقَّة في ترك المألوفات والعوائد من تركها لغير الله ..
فأما من تَركهَا صادقا مخلصا من قلبه لله فانه لَا يجد فِي تَركهَا مشقة إِلَّا في أول وهلة ليمتحن أصادق هو في تركها أم كاذب ..
فإن صبَرَ على تلك المشَقَّة قليلا استحالت لذَّة!